2024 San Juan High Cheer Team
The 2024 San Juan High School cheerleaders are well into their season already. Not only do they provide great entertainment and pump up San Juan fans during various sports competitions, they will also compete in their own tournaments later in the year. The girls always do their hometown proud and play a big role in propelling their fellow student-athletes to victory. Members of the team include: (top row, left to right) Aspen Palmer, Olivia Moses, Danika Meyers, Keegan Palmer, Maddyn Olsen, Addi Helquist, Nya Hunt, Shylynn Sam, Kailee Bradford, Chloe Palmer, Wren Wojcik. Middle: Genesis Clarke, Maggie Murdock, Diana Howe, Paige Bitsoie, Berlin Palmer, Savannah Richmond, Sariah Sweeten, Zoey Olsen. Bottom: Sienna Snyder, Josie Larson, Kessia Herring, Adele Parsons, Ali MacArthur, and Jadyn Neztsosie. Brooke Pehrson photo