Discovery of redistricted boundary cancels one uncontested election
by David Boyle
News Director
by David Boyle
News Director
Bacon – whether it’s flavored with maple or honey, seasoned with hickory or applewood – is yummy goodness and ups the ante on taste for anything it’s included in, even dessert.
by Rhett Sifford
Sports Editor
An early winter storms left some snow on the Abajos in this view that includes Comb Ridge. Enter your photos in our Photo of the Week contest.
One benefit of being married to my too kind and loving wife is that she is a “Hole-in-the-Rocker”. Her great grandfather Benjamin Perkins helped blast a passageway known as Hole-in-the-Rock.
A couple of folks have asked me if there is filming going on in La Sal. Well, not right in La Sal proper, but up on The Mountain, there is a lot of filming activity underway. Although, I think the
Members of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe and environmental activists participated in an annual protest of operations at the White Mesa Mill on October 22.
by David Boyle
News Director
by David Boyle
News Director
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