La Sal

by David Boyle News Director San Juan County residents, members of the planning commission and county staff met for over five hours on January 9 to discuss a proposed update to the county land use ordinance.  After discussion and input from the public at the meeting, members of the planning...
by David Boyle News Director Members of the San Juan County Commission heard the results of a recent housing study, approved a new deputy county attorney and approved election canvass results at their latest meeting. At their November 19 meeting members of the San Juan County commission heard the...
Williams Northwest Pipeline donated materials, supplies, and free labor recently to bring improvements to the La Sal Community Center. The workers included: (left to right) TC Garcia, Coy Woodard, John Gartcher, Ryan Ellis, Troy Larimore, Josh Hankins, Bill Caver, Paul Coleman, and Ray Larsen.  TC Garcia photo
Just one year ago, Williams Northwest Pipeline began holding its first “Volunteer Week” in an effort to make meaningful contributions to the communities served by its natural gas facilities. This year’s project was focused on making improvements to the La Sal Community center, which is owned by the...
There is so much happening in our community right now that I thought I would uncap the ink bottle and sharpen the nib of my quill.   Some, but not all of the activities are related to the holiday season. First, there is always something afoot at Es’ La Sal Store.  Right now it is that Mr. E. (...
Unfortunately, besides the changing of the season, the start of the holiday season with all their festivities, it’s cold, flu and new to the gang, COVID season.  Mr. C has been making the rounds of our community as I’m sure it is everywhere.  Fortunately, most folks are having just a few days of...
by Maxine Deeter Staff Writer Brad Nivens of La Sal died in a wood harvesting accident on September 19 on the La Sal Mountain. He was cutting wood with two friends, which they had done together all summer. He was hit by a felled tree on the back of his head and neck.  One companion administered CPR...
The San Juan County road folks have been very busy of late in our vicinity.   With all the moisture, as in deep snow on The Mountain, you can imagine the damage run-off has done to the roads.  There are deep cuts in some of the local’s favorite routes.   It’s getting close to time to head up to the...
Ana’s La Sal Store is no more.  Ana and Hal Adams have retired (a second time for Hal) and turned over the management of our little store to new operators.   The Adams have been very successful in operating the convenience store for the last several years.  Now they can enjoy a much-deserved rest...
Six-year-old motocross phenom Sierra Bull tearing up the track. Bull hails from La Sal and has a chance to compete in a championship event Aug. 6-10. Courtesy photo
A local La Salian, Sierra Bull, is ready set the world on fire. And she is only six years old. Here area of expertise – motocross. Sierra has the opportunity to race at the world’s most prestigious event, the Loretta Lynn AMA Amateur Motocross Championship in Tennessee August 1st through the 6th...
Maxine Deeter was named La Sal Citizen of the Year at a gathering at the La Sal Community Center on December 27. Deeter, a longtime resident of La Sal, has served the community for decades, including many years as the the writer of Northern News column in the San Juan Record. Maxine was surprised...


San Juan Record

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Monticello, UT 84535

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