Bluff / Mexican Hat

Balloons light up during the glow-in photo by Wilson Zohnnie
by David Boyle News Director Hot air balloons are set to soar across the desert landscape in southern San Juan County this weekend. Over 20 colorful balloons will take to the skies flying over the town of Bluff and nearby Valley of the Gods as organizers celebrate the 26th annual Bluff...
by David Boyle News Director Members of the San Juan County Commission heard the results of a recent housing study, approved a new deputy county attorney and approved election canvass results at their latest meeting. At their November 19 meeting members of the San Juan County commission heard the...
A wide range of arts and entertainment options, including music, cinema, writing, performers and more, will be on tap at the 20th annual Bluff Arts Festival October 17 through 20.  Courtesy photo
Celebrating its 20th year, the Bluff Arts Festival is an annual celebration of the arts and culture of the Four Corners region. Artists, writers, film makers, and musicians give their interpretation of their culture and talents in various Bluff settings surrounded by red rocks and golden...
by David Boyle News Director Navajo Nation voters participated in primary elections on Tuesday, July 30. The primaries coincided with Arizona primary elections. Voters turned out in the 110 Navajo Nation Chapter Houses to cast their votes, which included elections in the seven Utah chapters. Below...
The cover of a new book about Bluff Fort. Courtesy photo
by Sally Jack Contributing Writer A new book, titled “Bluff Fort, Historic Site— Home of the Hole in the Rock Pioneers,” has just been published by the Hole in the Rock Foundation. The 330-page book, with over 100 pages of full color pictures, tells the interesting story of the rebuilding of Bluff...
Eihaazbah Dejolie (center) is a 13-year-old from Bluff and is also the current Miss Western Junior Rodeo Association Queen. She will be hosting a rodeo in Monticello on August 3. Courtesy photo
Eihaazbah Dejolie is 13 years old from Bluff, Utah. A member of the "Western Junior Rodeo Association". She does barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying and recently started breakaway. She was crowned Miss WJRA Queen in September 2023. As a part of her reign she has to sponsor a junior rodeo for...
Friday night at the Fort has been an entertaining highlight of San Juan County for several years. Boasting local as well as imported talent, this year’s talent lineup is certain to impress. As always, admission is free, as are refreshments following the performance. (Usually ice cream). This year’s...
Courtesy photo
by David Boyle News Director A unique program that has brought architecture students to San Juan County to learn hands-on building celebrated held a 20-year celebration in March. Operating for over 20 years, the Design Build Utah program at Bluff has giving graduate architect students at the...
Inspired by the successful acquisition of the 320-acre Cottonwood Wash property last July, a private landowner conserving an adjacent 95-acre parcel with The Wildlands Conservancy. “I’m delighted to be working with The Wildlands Conservancy, whose vision for permanent protection and commitment to...
A new mural is up in downtown Bluff. Paul Martini photo
by David Boyle News Director A new mural is complete in downtown Bluff, the mural installation on the outside of the old turquoise building in downtown Bluff is not only a new art installation but also the beginning of the work of the Bluff Community Foundation to renovate the building. The newly...


San Juan Record

49 South Main St
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Monticello, UT 84535

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