New proprietors take over at the La Sal Store
Ana’s La Sal Store is no more. Ana and Hal Adams have retired (a second time for Hal) and turned over the management of our little store to new operators.
The Adams have been very successful in operating the convenience store for the last several years. Now they can enjoy a much-deserved rest from the heavy duty of keeping the store supplied with goods and the day-to-day operation of the facility.
Well, Hal may get some rest, but Ana has in mind to catch up on some “scrubbing” as in hands and knees on the floor with soap and a scrub brush. She is a very particular housekeeper. We wish them luck in their post-store life.
New proprietors are brothers Eric and Everett Piper. Eric is the one you will see behind the counter most of the time. They are proposing to call the store “E’s Market”. Or, is the proper form “Es’ Market”?
The Es are planning some changes in what is provided at the store. They plan to put in a soda machine, hot dog roller, air dispenser and maybe even an ATM. If you have other suggestions of amenities that you would like to see at the La Sal Store, drop by and let them know.
A grand opening celebration is potentially slated for April. So, stop on by and get to know the new proprietors and bid them a hearty welcome.
Last Saturday night, a pie social was held at the Community Center. The idea is a pre-Thanksgiving “eat dessert first” event. About two dozen folks attended and enjoyed all kinds of pie. It’s just to whet your appetite for T day this week.
La Sal lost one of its more colorful characters Sunday evening. Susie Storrs passed away at her home in the La Sal trailer court. She could be seen walking to or from the store on many days.
Townspeople knew her and would pick her up and give her a ride. She would wait around at the store until she found a ride back home. She went peacefully with one of her friends at her bedside.
‘Tis that time of year – post election. I know I get on my soapbox about this issue from time to time. All those campaign signs (and we don’t get as many as in other places) are eagerly put up prior to election day, but somehow those who put them up forget to remove them after the election is over.
Well, if you watch any TV or go shopping in the city, you’d think Christmas was going to be here soon. It seems the hoopla gets started earlier and earlier every year. Now it starts even before Halloween.
I think that Thanksgiving is the forgotten holiday. And, don’t we have so much for which to be thankful. Let’s not skip over that day for having gratitude for all our blessings.
It’s near the time of year when a few folks like to get out and secretly decorate a “Christmas” tree along the side of the road. I love it. It brightens your day to see a cheery reminder of the season.
But sometimes these decorations are like the campaign signs, they are done by eager folks, but sometimes they neglect the undecorating once the season is over.
Whether it’s today or tomorrow, depending on when you read this, here’s hoping you have a great turkey day and take the time to count your many blessings.