August news from the Seniors
by Nell Dalton & Barbara Trask
Our best birthday wishes go out this month to Pearl Lewis, Norma Lance, Ted Bronson, Karen Richardson, Bob Williams, Stuart Gorrie and Mary Vigil.
Celebrating anniversaries this time around are Jim and Bernice Barry, Bud and Barbara Corbin and Joe and JerryAnn Harral.
At our birthday dinner to honor our special seniors, we enjoyed a wonderful meal of baked chicken rolls and lemon cake. Martha ordered in bottled sasparilla drinks for each of us. Tasted great “on the rocks.” We had a fun time as we toasted best wishes to everyone. We’ve got pictures to prove it! We enjoyed Ann Beeson’s Columbus joke, her root beer placemat quizzes and her money guessing game which was won by Pearl Lewis. I’m sure Pearl found something to do with “all that money”! Just a fun party this month.
Barbara called bingo on the 14th. We are so happy to have Nell Dalton back with us. She livens up the group with Cindy Sallee, Pearl, Phylis Keith, Veronica Montano, Ann, Scottie and Len Warren and Martha Garner.
Len won blackout. Ann called for the second bingo on the 28th which included Vernon Warren, Polly Langston and Irene Randolph. Ann finally won a game that day, acing the blackout to win the donated gift certificate from Cindy’s Seconds. We’d like to thank Cindy Smith, Len and Scottie, Ann and Barbara for more donated bingo prizes.
Jokesters this month included Martha, Pearl, Len, Scottie, Maxine Himmelberger, and Shirley Steffen.
Martha was our big winner for the candy guessing game-she was only off by four candies. Blanding Senior Director Jolynn Orr made the discovery that those lifesavers can “spark in a dark closet.” Martha confirmed that in our “water closet” Jolynn’s been doin’ a lot of “sparkin” since.
Lou and Wyman Redd report their Catalina Island cruise and adventure was wonderful. Such a delightful place to see with it’s neat white houses topped with red roofs dotting the hills. They got in a lot of visiting with relatives, too. A mini reunion in California.
We’re glad to have Mildred and Marion Miller’s daughter, Ilene of Farmington, NM visiting her folks and us. Her help is greatly appreciated with chores and projects.
Pat Wakely has returned to visit with us as she tours the country. We are happy to have her here even if her #1 priority was getting her septic tank cleaned out.
For our 4th Friday social on the 24th, 24 of us enjoyed pizza along with potluck goodies as we were entertained by JJ Steffen on the harmonica playing “golden oldies.”
We are pleased to have a new President, Stuart Gorrie. He was elected this month and attended the advisory council meeting in Blanding. He reported back on several projects and ideas that are being worked on by the senior centers in the county. We wish to thank George Jurasich, our past president, for his time and commitment. He served us well. Thank you, George.
There were eight of us for our August 8th Cortez trip. Enjoying the day were Martha, Ann, Barbara, Cosmo Moccia, Len and Scottie, Veronica and Irene. This time of year we enjoy the happy roadside sunflowers. They are always good to travelers who pass by.
We were pleased on the 16th to have our community health nurse, Yvonne of Moab, back with us to check us out. Gloria Eberling, USU Extension Nutrionist was also with us that day to present a talk on the new food group pyramid. Thank you for your volunteer time and presentations.
Our lunch on the 21st had to be a take-out as our center was so busy with near 70 people taking advantage of the lifeline screening program. Our center is just not big enough some days.
Senior center ladies Martha, Phylis and Jackie try creative ways to cool us off in this prolonged heat wave. The snow scene placemats are a nice touch and good reminders of cold times to come. The raspberry/white chocolate mousse also helped. That fiesta salad can be repeated any time.
I was at the Black Oil parking lot when Michelle Sonderegger demonstrated how to “witch” Green River watermelons. I’m always open to learn new things and this dowsing experiment has produced good results.
Our thanks to Vernetta Sonderegger for those yummy fresh tomatoes and cukes from her garden. Arlow Freestone and Barbara still donate squash.
We were saddened to learn of the death of Bruce Rogers in Montrose, CO. We got to know Bruce and Ruby when they lived here for several years. Ruby worked at the Forest Service office and Bruce worked at the Senior Center. They were such a fun couple and were the force behind our ice cream social fundraiser. Bruce cooked and delivered meals to the seniors. He was always helpful to those who needed handyman projects worked on. Alice Adams and Ofie Miller appreciated his kind help.
He taught us his mother’s chow mein recipe and I’ll always think of him as I enjoy a Reuben sandwich and semi-sweet dark chocolate. He kept his “yellow duckies” hanging from his truck cab roof. He was a good worker and fun.
Dr. Curtis Sweet also passed away this month. We’ll miss him, his jokes and quick wit. He enjoyed sharing funny e-mails from his friends. He was good company at many socials. We’ll miss seeing him zip around in his tiny red car.
At the Lions’ Club breakfast on the 11th, I was privy to a rumor that naked women have been spotted along the highway south of town!