Blanding’s new wellness center to open in September

A ten-year dream of the people of Blanding is about to come to fruition. In late September, it is hoped the new $3,500,000 wellness center in Blanding will be open to the public.
Years of hard work in planning, seeking financing and bidding the project have resulted in one of the most impressive complexes in the state.
The building under roof is 25,325 square feet. The pool, which is outside, will have 7,100 square feet of water surface.
The complex will have two full size basketball/vollyball courts, a large dance and multipurpose area, a cardio fitness room (which will contain $50,000 of state-of-the-art workout equipment), two offices, a life-guard area and storage facilities.
Built around this inner core is a walking track. The complex is also designed to accommodate two more basketball courts, and an indoor pool in the future.
The funding for the project came from the City of Blanding ($750,000), a Community Impact Board (CIB) grant of $l,000,000, a CIB zero percent loan for $1,500,000, an Eccles Foundation grant of $250,000 and a Daniels Foundation grant of $30,000.
City planners say the old swimming pool will eventually be shuttered and demolished.
With the wellness center added to Blanding’s four diamond baseball complex, picnic area and skate park, the city will have one of the most impressive sports centers of any city in the state. For a city of 4,000 it well could be the finest in the state of Utah, and the entire Four Corners area.

San Juan Record

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Monticello, UT 84535

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