Blanding to create public service memorial near Visitor Center
A Blanding Memorial Committee has been formed to oversee the creation of a Public Service Memorial to be located on the north side of the Blanding Visitors’ Center. The Committee recently presented the idea to the Blanding City Council.
It is proposed that a monument structure will consist of a three-sided design honoring those in Blanding who have served past or present. The first side of the design to depict honorees who served in the armed forces; the second side for those who have served in law enforcement, fire and emergency services; and, the third side to honor the families of those who served.
The proposal also includes a Book of Remembrance to be placed in the visitors’ center where the names and stories of the honorees will be memorialized.
The Memorial Committee is seeking input from the public in the way of design ideas of the monument structure. The graphics design class at the high school will also participate submitting graphic design ideas created by students.
Anyone who is interested may submit design ideas, including conceptual design, graphics and wording, of the monument. The person whose design is selected will be recognized with a cash award.
All ideas are welcomed and can be sent to Public Service Memorial Committee, Blanding City Office, 50 West 100 South in Blanding.
The dedication ceremony of the Memorial is scheduled for Memorial Day, 2008.
The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled September 19, 4 p.m. in the Blanding City Office meeting room. All are invited to attend.