Another annexation in Blanding, deep well work and 4th of July recap

by David Boyle
News Director
Members of the Blanding City Council moved forward on the deep well project, added another anexation into the city and reviewed Independence Day celebration activities at their latest meeting.
Members of the Blanding City Council approved a resolution accepting a bid for continued work on the deep well project at their latest meeting on July 9.
The lone bid for the project came from Tri-Hurst, the construction company is planning to use local contractors such as Northern Electric on the project as well as look for cost reduction possibilities to help the money for the project go further. 
The deep well project will bring additional water resources to the city as part of the Westwater water project. The projects costs will be reimbursed by the state of Utah, but the city is looking to save money on the project as a water treatment facility is needed at the well.
Members of the Blanding City council also approved a property annexation following a public hearing at the meeting. Known as the Preston Palmer Annexation, the property is located on the south end of town on 300 west. Zoned as R2 residential the property owner shared they plan to develop housing on the property with a plan for townhomes in the near future. 
Members of the Blanding city council also offered congratulations and thanks to city staff and volunteers for the work to make another successful 4th of July celebration in Blanding.
On the items for improvement council members and staff shared concerns they heard from citizens regarding the parade with issues raise of children trying to eneter the parade route aand getting too close to floats and cars.
Some potential solutions may include volunteers assigned to a block to help push kids off the route.
Council members also heard feedback regarding the lack of motorcycles in the event, that was connected to a cancellation of the Jason Workman Memorial ride for this year.
Other complaints were given about the restriction of dirt bikes along the route.
Staff explained the bikes have been a danger to riders and participants for many years, with additional liability for the city when some bikes join the parade route without signing up to be in the parade.
Council member Charlie Taylor said a lack of control has been a big concer “Last year, I watched a foot peg of a motorcycle go by a 4-year-old within inches of his face. If they want to ride that’s great but I don’t think we need to see their tricks.”
Council members discussed if dirt bikes were to make a return parameters would need to be in place.
Overall council shared praise to city staff and volunteers for another successful holiday in Blanding.

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