Blanding City hears about pickleball, and Justice Court
by David Boyle
News Director
Members of the Blanding City Council approved a grant to protect the Swallows Nest, voted to re-certify the justice court, and heard from Pickleballers at their latest meeting.
Members of the Blanding City Council discussed the receipt of grant funds for the Swallows Nest at their November 28 meeting.
The Swallows Nest is a small historic structure used by Albert R Lyman, the town’s first settler, for his writings. The building is located near the city visitor center.
City staff reported that the city had received a grant through the county with an end of year deadline. The plans for the building is to build a french drain around the base to protect the structure from erosion.
Staff had come to the council to confirm the council’s approval of the project as they’ll likely be using city staff to help with the project. Council confirmed that as long as the funds come in for the project they are in support of the upgrade to the Swallows Nest before the end of the calendar year.
Council also unanimously approved a resolution to re-certify the City Justice Court.
Blanding Justice Court judge Kelly Laws outlined some needs for the Justice Court including upgrades to the court safety plan. Council members state their support of upgrading court security at a few different levels.
Members of the Blanding city council also heard comments from Pickleball users about the nearly finished new court.
Two Blanding residents shared they’d like to see some changes to the courts including making sure the nets are at regulation height and also asking that the outer fence be higher to prevent users from having to chase loose balls outside the single exit point in the fence.
Members of the council thanked the two for sharing their thoughts with some making the point that the courts could be around for a long time so it would be worth doing it right.
Members of the council also retroactively approved a comment letter on the Manti-La Sal National Forest Draft Land Management Plan.
With the comment closing prior, city staff wrote the letter emphasizing similar views that San Juan County and Monticello city shared on the plan.