Blanding drops fees for home-based businessess

by Kara Laws
The Blanding City council, in accordance with new state laws, passed a resolution on October 24 that allows home-based businesses access to free business licenses.
While the city will still require a license for home-based businesses, they will no longer charge for them. Other rules and policies for home-based businesses still apply.
These requirements include, but are not limited to, conducting all business within the home, adhering to signage laws, providing the necessary parking, and not creating offensive noise, dust, smoke, odors, or heat.
The annual license fee for businesses outside the home is still $15.
In other news, there were two public hearings at the council meeting. The first hearing was to discuss possibly changing what type of businesses are allowed in R2 zones.
The second hearing was to discuss a bond to fund a proposed east side sewer project. No residents showed up to speak on either issue.
The City of Blanding continues to work on a policy to govern event sponsorship. Issues being discussed include debate on whether events by for-profit companies are eligible to be sponsored.
Changes thus far included adding to the list of goals for a sponsored event. It should draw interest and revenue from outside of Blanding and San Juan County.
In addition, wording was added that states, “The organizations should have a clear vision of how the event will grow to sustain itself without assistance from the city in the future.”
In other news, Mayor Calvin Balch brought up dog licensing concerns. The mayor wishes to remove the late fee for licensing a dog. He is concerned that it punishes the few residents that actually license their dogs to begin with.
The mayor added dog licensing to the agenda for the next council meeting.
Councilman Robert Ogle informed the council that an historical plaque will be revealed on Sunday, November 5 at the Swallow’s Nest. The sandstone building was a writing studio for early Blanding settler Albert R. Lyman.
Ogle encourages city residents to support the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, the group that put the work into this piece of history. The ceremony will take place at 2 p.m.

San Juan Record

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