City of Blanding debates new city logo
by Kara Laws
The City of Blanding is in the process of creating a new city logo... if they can come up with one that they like.
In October, 2016, the council hired Flitch Creative of St. George, UT to create the new city logo. Flitch Creative was one of the lowest cost options and the council said they have a lot of variety in their work.
Since October, Flitch Creative has sent several samples to the Blanding City Council for review and edits. So far, the council has found that Flitch Creative may lack the ability to embody the people of Blanding.
Mayor Calvin Blach said that he wants to see some color, instead of just black and white.
Councilman Joe B. Lyman suggested a mountain silhouette similar to the current logo.
Councilwomen Kd Perkins said she wants to stay away from the overused mountain graphic.
All members of council agreed that the logo needs to be something that tells a little bit about the city as a people. They conferenced with Flitch Creative during the meeting and offered suggestion but, overall did not love any designs.
Logan Monson asked during open forum why they did not go with a local artist. Mayor Balch said the city artists pulled out before remembering that Ridgeway Art Gallery had submitted a wagon wheel and dreamcatcher design that the council ultimately dismissed in the end.
Monson expressed concern that the project was not given to a local artist and suggested a contest for a design be held as clearly, neither the city council, nor any in attendance liked the current options.
The Blanding City Council will continue working towards a new city logo that encompasses the area, invites visitors, and is beautiful.
In other news, the council approved a resolution authorizing and confirming the sale of revenue bonds to help pay for upcoming electrical projects.
The resolution gives notice of the public hearing that will take place on March 14 at 7:30 p.m. The public hearing gives residents of Blanding the opportunity to give the council input on how the issuance of bond may impact the local economy and address any concerns relating to it.
All members of the public are invited to attend.
Two more issues of concern were brought up by Trent Herring. Herring spoke to the council requesting his wish that the alcohol sales ban be lifted.
Herring stated that with the designation of the Bears Ears National Monument, more tourists are coming and the City of Blanding can either use it to their advantage or instead continue to send people to places like Bluff for what they need.
Herring said there are three ways to legalize the sale of alcohol in city limits: 1. Council puts it to a vote and lifts the ban. 2. Council can add the ban to the ballot and the citizens can make the decision. or 3. The citizens can petition to have it added to ballot.
Councilman Lyman shied away from the idea of the council just making the decision, saying, “If we are going to make this change it should be the community that changes it.”
The council considered and discussed the issue, but no decisions were made.
Herring also asked the council to consider changes policies at the Blanding Wellness Center that are more inclusive for children. He said that his family has paid for a family pass every year, since the center was open, with the understanding that more improvements would be coming. He has yet to see any.
Herring expressed frustration that none of his children can use the wellness center seven months out of the year. Children under 10 are allowed only in the gym when the pool is closed. However, due to the design of the building and the available equipment, the only things Herring feels they can do in the gym is run in circles. He said that he feels like the building is “not being used efficiently.”
Herring requested that the city council make plans to add equipment or rooms to the building that would allow families, with children to use the wellness center all year round, instead of just when the weather is nice. The council seem receptive to the ideas.
Blanding City Council also discussed an Economic Development Plan, giving their full support to Councilman Robert Ogle and Community Developer Brett Hosler. The hope is to have a prototype plan finished by October. Hosler said he hopes that the community will become involved and it will be a “community plan”.
A U-turn sign at Albert R. Lyman Middle School was also discussed. No decisions have been made as ARL has spoken of a school remodel that will help fix the drop off and pick up problems.