Bluff Town Council Candidate: Britt Hornsby
Britt Hornsby
I moved to San Juan County in 2007 and have lived all over the county, including Monticello, Spanish Valley, the Needles District of Canyonlands, and Bluff.
I worked as an Americorps Vista, Development Coordinator, then Program Manager at Canyon Country Youth Corps, before spending seven years as a BLM San Juan River Ranger.
Currently, I am Field Director at Bears Ears Partnership. My wife and I built a house in Bluff, where we live with our two children.
I have experience in grant writing, implementation, and reporting, NGO and Government employment, 16 years of Public Lands conservation project work, budget and staff management, collaborative project management, and with contractor and subcontractor management.
I support Town Water Department, pedestrian infrastructure (focusing on 191 for safety), local, unique business development, expanded housing opportunities, and expanded seasons (more festivals, conventions, etc.)
I oppose sewer (for now), generic development (box stores, corporate franchises, etc.), land disconnections, ALL proposed SITLA actions in town, and commercial aviation near residential areas.
I will focus on CCC (finish fire suppression, seek grants, design, shovel ready 1 year), collaborate with local nonprofits for services, seek grants (park equipment, CCC, sidewalks, market area, etc.), and finish Dark Sky implementation and designation.
I can be reached at and on Facebook.