Cindi Holyoak

Running for San Juan County Recorder

At the age of five, I moved with my family to San Juan County, allowing me the wonderful opportunity of growth and development in the best conditions for which a child could ask.

My husband was born and raised in San Juan County and is a descendant of the Hole in the Rock Pioneers. I have loved hearing the stories of the Holyoaks feeding Posey’s hunting bands every year and have admired their cooperative, loving spirit.

I am lucky and I am blessed for the relationships and opportunities given to me in this county. As an adult, I became the manager of the Monticello Wells Fargo Bank, where I took good care of my clients and staff and enjoyed learning about finance, federal regulations, and most importantly, I learned a lot about customer service.

One day while working at my desk, I was approached and asked if I would consider working as a resupply manager for Wilderness Quest (addiction recovery for youth and adults). The idea of helping people thrive, who have gone through such difficulty, intrigued me, and I decided to change careers.

I had a very rewarding experience until the company dissolved, and I became the City Recorder and Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) for Monticello City. Wow, what a wonderful experience it has been to learn, first hand, and so intimately, the details of running local government.

In my position, I have nurtured relationships with state leaders and understand the vast resources available to us. GRAMA requests are my responsibility and I take that responsibility very seriously, as transparency in Government is critical in protecting our freedoms.

Many other positions have been added to my job as City Recorder which have given me transferable knowledge to take to the County Recorder’s office. Working with property owners on subdivisions, municipal disconnections, annexations, building permits, and encroachment issues has taught me much about processes and the need for a high functioning, professional County Recorder.

For 14 years, I have grown and learned and have so much respect for the tax dollar! As the City’s Finance Director, I am excited to share my knowledge of governmental accounting. Since 2008, I have been using the same accounting software recently obtained by the County, which will be a great asset to many offices.

As I have had the opportunity to guide the City Council and the City Managers, and have learned the laws that provide order, I am overwhelmed by the power of a single voice, and the blessings of our constitution’s checks and balances. 

Once again, I have been approached and asked if I would be willing to change careers. The answer is, “Yes, I am willing, and I am excited to work with the wonderful people of San Juan County!”

San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

Phone: 435.587.2277
Fax: 435.587.3377
Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday