County Fair a big hit, despite injuries
Cowboy Boots and Country Roots were celebrated for ten days as the San Juan County Fair wound to a close on August 14.
The fair was a success on many fronts, despite several challenges. Large crowds enjoyed a wide range of events at the fair grounds and beyond.
A sold-out concert on August 12 by country music star Aaron Tippin drew thousands of fans from near and far.
Local talent was also on display with the annual Farm Bureau Talent Find and the large number of entries in a host of categories in the fair building.
The annual Junior Livestock auction featured the sale of more than 100 animals and culminated a summer of hard work for youth, and their parents.
A sudden rain storm on August 10 inundated both participants and spectators at the mud volleyball tournament. By the end, everyone was dealing with the mud.
Four nights of rodeo and horse games over the two weekends of the fair went by without a hitch; until the final night, when two local youth were injured in the Locals Rodeo.
One young cowboy was life-flighted to a regional hospital because of his injuries. He is expected to make a full recovery.
“I am so relieved that everyone is okay,” said an exhausted Fair Manager Anna Thayn. “I’m glad we had protective vests or it could have been worse.”
Fair results:
Zach Thayn & Ashley Musselman
1st Jane Musselman
2nd Bailey Goodwine
3rd Carlyn Goodwine
Horse Show
Mini Division:
1st Kash Shumway
2nd Ireland Meyers
3rd Alexjandra Carranza
Junior Division:
1st Erin Hatcher
2nd Kendall Harris
3rd Yenni Carranza
Intermediate Division:
1st Melody Hatcher
2nd Guy Tracy
3rd Matthew Benson
Adult Division:
1st Wendy Benson
2nd Shawna Shumway
3rd Joi Redshaw
ATV Class:
1st Ron Sorrell
2nd Dan Hardy
2 Wheel Drive:
1st Joe Carr
2nd Danny Murdock
4 Wheel Drive:
1st Cletis Hatch
2nd Danny Fredericks
3rd Joe Carr
1st Reggie Begay
2nd Randy Broderick
3rd Cletis Hatch
1st Cletis Hatch
2nd Danny Fredericks
Tara Grover
Jenna & Kyler LaRose
Gage Wilcox, Grand Champion
Brayson Wilcox, 1st Reserve
Adam Bunker, 2nd Reserve
Jade Grover, Grand Champion
Jens Grover, 1st Reserve
Felicia Flavel, 2nd Reserve
Brooklyn Grover, Grand Champion
Megan Grover, 1st Reserve
Easton Nielson, 2nd Reserve
Loren Randall, Grand Champion
Cordell Walker, 1st Reserve
Justin Johnson, 2nd Reserve
Dillon Wheeler, Grand Champion
Saydee Adams, 1st Reserve
Jensen Grover, Grand Champion
Paxton Christensen, 1st Reserve
Jace Palmer, 2nd Reserve
Mud Volleyball
First:Mud Dogz: Trevor Palmer, Chase Palmer, Justin Ivins, Till Palmer, Zack Adams, Beth Millward
Second: Fire and Ice: Josh and Shayla Johnson, Danny Murdock, Megan Ryan, Dan and Sally, Vaughn, Sara
Third: Team Pete: Pete Anderson, Ben Fellmeth, Bri & Shay Holliday, Josh Anderson, Jill Black, Rye Randall, Kelli Christensen, David Boyle
First: Justin Ivins, Trevor Palmer, Chase Palmer, Dillon Ivins
Second: Big I: Jessie, Shawn, Tyler, Justin Ivins
and The Bandits: Colton, Harrison, Erwin, Cooper Oliver
Third: Dirty Underwear Gang: Shawn Ivins, Preston Grover, BJ Grover, Dillon Ivins
and Montezuma Cowboys: Guy Tracy, Carson Tracy, Wyatt Holyoak, Cody Hatcher, Parker Lee
Family Fun Games
Dallin Redd: Hula Hoop
Shelby Lewis: Gunny Sack Race
Justin and Stephanie Ivins: Egg Toss
Best of Show:
Carlyn Goodwine: Scrapbooking
Kiara Pugh: Scrapbooking
Sara Pipkin: Scrapbooking
Addison Hatch: Hand bag
Jamie Keyes: Tied quilt
Merle Mcdonald: Baby afghan
Marie Wigginton: Cross stitch tablecloth
Marie Wigginton: Crochet tablecloth
Myrle Tanner: Cross stitch pillow
Paula Jones: Button quilt
Abigail Chadwick: Quilt
Kay Shumway: Photography
Kiaira Pugh: Photography
Nikki Pettit: Watercolor
Scott Mitchell: Fish sculpture
Jan Redd: Dinner plate dahlia
MckenzIe Brewer: Buff chicken
Nikki Pettit: Woodburning on leather
Della Wright: Apricot / pineapple jam
Nathan Moore: Painting
Luther Wigginton: Quilt
Lawrence Guymon: Blackberries
Yadhira Rice: Raspberry danish
Judges Choice Awards:
Paxton Lewis: Lego ship
Jordan Pipkin: Scrapbooking
Bailey Goodwine: Scrapbooking
Cheyenne Adams: Scrapbooking
Myrle Tanner: Afghan
Marie Wigginton: Doilie
Iris Barton: Handquilted and pieced quilt
Krista Payne: Photography
Mckale Simpson: Photography
Myrle Tanner: Painting of Monument Valley
Stephanie Chapman: Yellow zinnia
Nolan Freestone: Guinea pig
Bryce Pettit: Black rooster
Nathan Chamberlain: Wood jewelry box
Yadhira Rice: Apricot leather
Braxton Bowring: Quilt
Deanne Randall: Rug
Steve Lovell: Armenian cucumbers
Jeremy Jex: Cherry pie
Honorable Mention Awards:
Ashton Adams: Scrapbooking
Yaerli Hatch: Scrapbooking
Cheyenne Adams: Scrapbooking
Diana Tousley: Afghan
Carmen Pitts: Crochet baby quilt
Marie Wigginton: Hand quilted pillow
Robin Garner: Quilt
Krista Chadwick: Quilt
Joanie Wilcox: Quilt
Carla Sorrell: Quilt
Jeri Montella: Quilt
Marie Wigginton: Quilt
Brooke Pehrson: Photography
Daria Johnson: Photography
Brandon Ipson: Photography
Shay Lewis: Photography
Penny Gough: Photography
Lydia Chadwick: Painting
Abigail Chadwick: Painting
Clarissa Jack: Painting
Mckale Simpson: White phlox
Nikki Pettitt: Woodburning on red cedar
Myrle Tanner: Crocheted centerpiece
Marilyn Rowley: Pickle relish
Stephanie Chapman: Red raspberry jam
Lee Ann Bowring: Pickled beets
George Rice Jr.: Dried cherries
Bailey Goodwine: Children & youth
Lydie Pettit: Children & youth
Braxton Bowring: Children & youth
Jed Harris: Children & youth
Keith Clark: Bread
George Rice Jr.: Jalapenos
Donna Washburn: Yellow wax beans
Reid Chapman: Peas
Brenda Rowley: Parsley
Deanne Randall: Herbs
Sally Jack: Candy divinity
Timothy Erickson: Marble mints
Lee Ann Bowring: Rolls
Peoples Choice Awards:
Braxton Bowring: Quilt
Mandy Woodward: Scrapbooking
Paxton Lewis: Lego ship
Jeri Montella: Quilt
Steve Lovell: Armenian cucumber
Ashley Hoggard: Golf course diorama
Best of Category Winners – Scrapbooking Division:
Tessa Goodwine, Erin Pettit, Ashton Adams, Cheyenne Adams, Kiara Pugh, Jennifer Hoggard, Sara Pipkin, Lora Doucet, Diana Helquist
Manager’s Award Winners:
Jennifer Hoggard: Scrapbooking
Kama Brewer: Photography
Ramona Chamberlain: English toffee
Nikki Pettit: Table
Brooke Pehrson: Photography
Gray Wangelin: Photography
Shay Lewis: Photography
Stephanie Chapman: Flowers