Morning show on Redrock Radio
While many were shocked at the recent announcement that both the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News will no longer print a daily newspaper, we were not caught completely unaware at the San Juan Record.
More than a year ago, we were sent packing by MediaOne, the press in Salt Lake City which printed newspapers from throughout the area for many years, including the Tribune and Deseret News.
We eventually found a home at the Gannett Press in Farmington, NM. Despite the challenges associated with the increased costs of printing, changes to our layout, and transporting the papers to San Juan County, we are pleased with our weekly newspaper product.
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However, in this time of unprecedented challenge to the general economy and of more focused challenges for the news industry, we continue to make progress on implementing our “2020 Vision” at the San Juan Record.
A key element begins today (Wednesday, November 4) as we begin a daily morning show on Redrock Radio.
The broadcast can be heard live at 92.7 FM throughout the Four Corners area, 101.5 FM in Moab, 96.1 FM in Cortez, and streaming live at everywhere else.
We plan to cover regional news, weather, and sports for the radio broadcast area, which focuses on San Juan and Grand counties in Utah, and Dolores and Montezuma counties in Colorado.
David Boyle will head up the show, which initially will be broadcast live Monday through Friday at 9 a.m.
In June, David was named the Best Radio Reporter in the annual Society of Professional Journalists awards for his work at KPCW in Park City. David has been the News Director for the San Juan Record since August. We are very excited to introduce this new element.
Please join us. We ask that you be patient as we implement the new show. In addition to the live broadcast, the show eventually will be recorded and posted on the SJR Media websites every day.
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We begin the morning show at the same time we wrap up our Friday Night Lights broadcasts of high school football. Over the past three months, we broadcast nine San Juan Bronco games and five Monticello Buckaroo games.
We were very pleased with the response and with the partnership with Lane Palmer at, which had a live video stream of many games.
We look forward to expanding our broadcasts in the winter, featuring a basketball game of the week for the Broncos and Buckaroos. Let us know if you are interested in sponsoring the broadcasts.
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We have space available for sponsors of the annual Photo of the Week calendar. The 2021 calendar features the spectacular photographs of San Juan County that we carry on a weekly basis in the San Juan Record.
The calendar is our gift to subscribers and is found in homes and offices across the area.
Local entities can sponsor a month on the calendar for a low cost. They receive year-round focus for their business or event, in addition to copies of the calendar to distribute.
Give us a call if you would like to join us this year at 435-587-2277 or email me at
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Our changes also impact the San Juan Record Bookstore, which features a variety of local, regional, and LDS books. We have a full range of holiday offerings. Stay tuned for our Anniversary Sale.
Thank you for your patience and support. It’s an exciting day for the San Juan Record!