County Library summer program is a fun way to keep kids reading all year
It may not feel quite like summer yet, but as of this week the San Juan County Library summer program is in full swing.
Library director Pat Smith said the kids really look forward to it every year, and it’s a great way to keep them reading while school is out.
She said the fun activities and cool prizes the kids get are good encouragement. Again this year, there are plenty of exciting activities planned throughout June and July.
The puppet shows are always a favorite. Smith said they are very entertaining and there are usually as many adults as kids in the audience.
This year, the Hampstead Stage Group will perform “The Jungle Book” at the Monticello branch on June 24 at 11 a.m. and “Story in the Stars” at the Blanding branch at 2 p.m.
Rocky Mountain Puppets presents “Space-a-cade” on July 9 in Monticello at 11 a.m. and in Blanding at 2 p.m. And the Great Arizona Puppet Theater performs “Peter Rabbit” on July 27 with the same locations and times.
The Canyon Country Discovery Center (CCDC) will visit the library branches with planetarium and solar viewings in Monticello on June 13 and in Blanding July 25.
Smith said the CCDC has an inflatable planetarium that – on a good day – they will inflate outside where children can learn about the solar system. She said they also have a solar telescope for safely viewing solar flares and sunspots.
In addition, special events will take place every Thursday at 1 p.m. at the Blanding and Monticello branches throughout June and July.
Smith said a group of Bluff Elementary teachers will run the summer program at Bluff Elementary School in June, then they will travel to the Reservation housing areas for weekly activities in July.
Kids who sign up for the San Juan County Library summer program will receive a prize and an age-specific booklet chock full of things to read, activities, puzzles, websites to check out, and even recipes.
They can get their progress marked off by a librarian as they read during the summer. And the Utah Food Bank will provide non-perishable food items for the children again this year.
Visit your local library branch or for full details on the 2019 San Juan County Library summer program.