New Year's Baby arrives at Blue Mountain Hospital
A week into 2022, Blue Mountain Hospital finally welcomes its New Years' baby. Julian Paul Descheeny joined the world on January 7, 2022, at 7:09 a.m. The baby boy weighs in at 7 pounds 9 ounces and measures 21 inches long. Mom Savannah Renee Cagle, and baby Julian are both happy, healthy, and getting used to their new life at home. Blue Mountain Hospital presented the New Years' baby and his family with a collection of gifts. Thank you to Patio Diner, Clark’s Market, San Juan Pharmacy, Redd’s Ace Hardware, Destination Awake, San Juan Credit Union, Wells Fargo, San Juan Record and Christina Brandt for contributing gift cards, stuffed animals, blankets, bottles, clothes, socks, lotion, diapers, and so much more to San Juan County’s newest addition.
Blue Mountain Hospital, an 11-bed Critical Access Hospital, provides comprehensive healthcare services to the residents and visitors of San Juan County, Utah, and the surrounding areas. Blue Mountain provides medical services beyond what many expect to find in a rural hospital, including dialysis, obstetrics, emergency care, orthopedics, and more. Blue Mountain is a not-for-profit 501(c)-3 charitable organization, located in Blanding, Utah.