It’s hot enough to be summer
The weather the last couple of months has been a roller coaster ride to be sure. With the arrival of summer last Saturday the temps rose to toasty levels.
But what about this wind? Okay, I admit defeat. This does seem to be a windier-than-usual spring.
Now, an update and a rest of the story on my floating neighbors.
First, I guess I should introduce them: Kerry Brown and his son Vernon Brown (names have been changed to protect the guilty).
The second “floater” will remain anonymous even though it is possible that in three weeks I will have been married to him for 55 years. He also is responsible for the rest of the story, having been on site (on roof, shall we say).
Literally, the wind was raising the two deadweights three feet in the air. Perhaps that is why the homebuilder ordered them down from the roof when he appeared on the scene.
His wife was also on the roof trying to nail down the plastic sheeting, but the wind was popping the nails out faster than she could nail.
Well, during a brief lull in the recent, seemingly ongoing, winds, the builder was able to apply the metal roofing to his home.
And that’s the truth of the matter. No lie here, unlike stories told by some soon-to-be-famous author who lives south of Monticello. More on that in a minute.
I mentioned that our little closet library has a new librarian. It also has new hours. They are Tuesday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday 6 to 8 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. ’til noon.
They also have a nice selection of new books and DVDs. So come on out and inspect our little library in a closet. It’s a main feature in the village.
The book club will resume soon too, so plan on joining that fun group. If you have suggestions for a book for the group, let the librarian know.
The folks at the Latter-day Saint church have been notified that services will again be held locally beginning Independence Day weekend. Unlike other congregations, they will be allowed to meet each week as attendance is usually less than 90 people. Actually it is more around 60 people unless there are a lot of visitors.
Folks are chomping at the bit to be together again and socialize and be out and about.
Three months ago we had a toilet paper shortage. Now I’ve come to understand that there is a camper, ATV, and mountain bike shortage.
We are a camper and ATV family. Some of my children have been looking to purchase such recreational vehicles. They tell me that they are all sold out!
Really? First toilet paper, now RVs. ’Tis the season, I suppose. Plus, folks really are ready to be out after sheltering in place. That means they could be invading our wide open spaces. Wow, aren’t I possessive.
It’s also family reunion time. This time last year we about froze to death at our reunion. We are looking forward to complaining about it being too hot this year.
However, I have been informed that for the reunion to go forward, grandma has to agree to wear a mask during the get-together.
She is elderly and has enough diseases to be in the risk category. I didn’t sign up for this for my retirement years.
For Father’s Day, my spouse received a copy of a book by a new, local author. I hear it is full of lies.
However, the child who sent this gift to his pater is in trouble with his wife. Seems he reads this book in bed at night, and his wife is disturbed by the jiggling from the giggling.
It doesn’t hurt that he is personally acquainted with this writer.
I can’t wait for my turn to read the book of d**n lies.
Hmmm, we probably need a copy of that book at our library.
Also available at the La Sal library is a book by local author Kelly Green – I mean Kerry Brown.