Lead from lone faucet at La Sal School

An unused water faucet at La Sal Elementary School tested positive for high lead content in a recent water quality test. The test results set off a series of additional tests and resulted in capping the water line to the technology equipment room at the school.
There have been no negative results in tests from other faucets at the school or at the adjacent La Sal Community Center, which shares the same water system.
In September, 2015, La Sal Elementary completed a test for lead and copper content in the water system. The test is required every three years. As a result of the recent test, the water system will now be tested every six months for the next three years.
Five points of water access were sampled in the tests, including samples from two classrooms, the kitchen, boiler room, and upstairs technology equipment room.
The sample which failed the test was taken from a sink in the upstairs technology equipment room. All other tests in the school were clean.
A follow-up special water sampling was taken in March, 2016, and all five samples passed, including samples from the kitchen, two classrooms, boiler room, and the kitchen in the Community Center.
School officials say the sink in the technology equipment room has not been used in 11 years and is in the oldest portion of the school, which is more than 70 years old. The water line was capped so it cannot be accessed.
The tests raise concern after the municipal water system in Flint, MI became contaminated with lead. Lead poisoning can cause a host of problems. School officials state that all vestiges of lead paint were removed from the school several years ago.
In other matters at the La Sal School, teacher Julie Bunker has been selected to attend the Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy in New Jersey this summer.
The one-week academy focuses on math and science education for elementary school teachers around the nation.

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