Students wins $1,000

A San Juan High School student has scored a $1,000 scholarship as the statewide winner of Zions Bank’s Pays for A’s scholarship program.
Tenth grader Kellyn Davis was among the students attending the San Juan High boys’ basketball game against Wayne High School on Friday, Nov. 22, when she was surprised with a $1,000 jumbo check as the grand prize winner of Zions Bank’s statewide scholarship program. 
“We want to congratulate Kellyn on an academic slam dunk,” said Kim Palmer, manager of Zions Bank Blanding. “We’re proud to support her educational journey, and we hope her scholastic success will inspire other students.”
Davis was entered into the drawing when she brought her report card to a Zions Bank branch. For each ‘A,’ she was paid $1 and received an entry into the regional scholarship drawing worth $500 and a statewide drawing worth $1,000. Her name was randomly selected from among more than 4,000 eligible entries during the 2023-2024 school year.
For two decades, Pays for A’s has rewarded thousands of students across Utah and Idaho for earning great grades. Students do not need a Zions Bank account to participate.
They’ll receive $1 per “A” deposited into their savings account, or 50 cents per “A” if they opt for cash. For each “A” on their report cards, students are also entered into a drawing to win one of 18 regional scholarships, each worth $500, and one statewide grand prize of $1,000.
For more info, visit

San Juan Record

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