Monticello adjusts fee schedule

by David Boyle
News Director
The Monticello City Council approved an updated city fee schedule at the June 11 meeting. Approval for the updated fee schedule followed a discussion at the May 28 meeting.
Among the fee changes includes an increase for building inspection fees from $35 to $65. The annual business license fee remains $50 but is halved for businesses who register before December 31.
The cost of water at the culinary water fill station increases by $1 per 1,000 gallons, and a $55 fee allows residents to use the city ball field lights until 10 p.m.
At the June 11 meeting, the city council continued discussions about recreation fees.
Council and staff discussed a possible discount for families with multiple children in City Rec programs.
Eventually, they decided to make families aware of financial assistance available via the PRA and other city programs for those in need.
Council also approved a slight decrease in the cost for tee-ball and machine pitch baseball as those programs are shorter in length and don’t require umpires.
Members of the Monticello City Council also approved budget adjustments for the expiring fiscal year and approved the budget for the upcoming fiscal year starting in July.
In passing the adjusted budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, City Manager Kaeden Kulow explained the city had two adjustments with both revenues and expenses exceeding expectations.
Kulow said revenue from the Welcome Center, Golf Course and city pool all outperformed city estimations. Kulow said there are extra expenses at the city water treatment plant, with the city pulling from savings to subsidize that account.
Members of the council also approved the budget for the upcoming fiscal year and passed a resolution outlining compensation for elective and statutory officials, as required by state legislation.
The council also approved a purchase of 50 new polycarts. Kulow said the city got a good quote on 96-gallon carts, with a 12-year warranty on the carts.
In a related discussion, the city spoke about several youth who have shown interest in washing resident polycarts for a business.
Council emphasized that the carts would need to be washed out on lawns as the city sewer and wastewater system cannot handle the debris washing into the gutters.
During administrative comments, Mayor Bayley Hedglin clarified that despite whispers she has heard from the public, the city has no intention of selling the Big 4 Tractor, and the rumor is just that.
Members of the Council also approved the transfer of solar panels to the Town of Bluff.
In January 2024, the council voted to return a donation of 180 solar panels after the previous city administration accepted the donation without council approval.
The donation of solar panels was from renewable energy company AES. It was intended to install them near the city pool to cover some of the energy costs for pool operation. AES operates projects in the western US, including the Latigo Wind Park north of Monticello.
The donation included solar panels, an inverter, and the labor for the installation as part of an education program. It was estimated to cover $100,000 or about half the project.
The donation was received several years ago by previous city administration without council approval.
In 2023, City staff estimated that recouping the investment to make the project work would take a little over eight years. Council members had a spirited discussion about the possibility of recouping the investment against more immediate needs for funds in the coming years. After a split vote to investigate the project, the council ultimately voted to return the panels.
At the June 11 meeting, members of the council learned that after conversations with AES, the Town of Bluff was interested in the panels. As a result, the panels will transfer ownership with Bluff making the arrangements and paying the cost of bringing the panels to the town.

San Juan Record

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