Monticello discusses annexation area, fees

by David Boyle
News Director
Members of the Monticello city council reviewed the city expansion area, the fee schedule and approved repairs to the old pro shop at their latest meeting.
At their November 26 meeting members of the Monticello City Council reviewed the annexation expansion area.
City planning commission chair Lee Bennett shared state requirements for annexation, adding that cities can only annex properties within a designated expansion area.
The Monticello expansion area was last updated in 2003, at the meeting it was noted considerations for the expansion area should include feasibility for the city to provide infrastructure in the area.
As part of the discussion City Public Works Director Chris Baird identified areas where extending sewer services would require costly pumps, with other areas noted as challenges due to elevation changes. Members of the council reviewed the expansion area, but no map was adopted.
Among the items discussed were avoidance of creating an island or peninsula with annexation, discussion about the wisdom of extending boundaries where services would be difficult to provide and areas where increasing the expansion area would make sense.
Council directed staff to bring a revised map that incorporated suggestions and concerns raised for the next meeting.
The Monticello City Council also reviewed proposed changes to the city’s fee schedule.
Among the more significant changes would be an increase for in-city garbage pickup by $1 a month.
Rates for polycarts outside of city limits but within half a mile from the city would be $42 a month. Council also discussed a per mile fee for outside of town pickups. Fees increases are also proposed for dumpster fees as well as a $13 increase for the county residential drop-off fee.
City officials shared garbage rate fee changes were proposed to ensure funds to be able to purchase a new garbage truck within five years.
Other changes to the fee schedule included the introduction of a $50 elected officials application fee, a one dollar per 1,000 gallons of water fee increase for the water fill station, a slight increase in golf fees and an increase from $100 to $500 for an annexation filing fee.
At the meeting members of the city council also approved repairs to the old golf pro shop.
The building is owned by the city but is being leased long term to the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT). Some of the repairs are required after a partial roof collapse.
Funds from the city insurance company should cover more than half the repairs.
City council also approved the purchase of snow tires for the city loader, as well as annual bonuses of $200 for full-time employees, and $100 for part-time employees and fire fighters.

San Juan Record

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