Monticello raises rates for garbage collection
The Monticello City Council made plans to raise the garbage collection rates across the board at their September 22 meeting.
While residents will pay just $0.33 more a month, some businesses who are larger garbage users will see a 27 percent increase in their monthly bill.
Additionally, residents and businesses with a second poly-cart will pay $20 a month, the same rate as a residential single poly-cart.
The sanitation rate increase will create approximately $25,000 in additional annual revenue for the department.
The rate increase comes after the city garbage trucks broke down in early summer.
City Manager Evan Bolt said the city has a decent amount in reserves and with the additional annual income they should be in a good place to acquire a new garbage truck in the coming years while also maintaining the current garbage collectors.
The garbage rate increase will allow the city to pursue grants, take out a loan for a new truck in the near future, or maintain current trucks and buy a new truck outright in a few years.
The motion to increase rates passed 4-1 with council member Nathan Chamberlain voting nay.
The rate will not be final until the council drafts a corresponding amendment to the consolidated fee schedule.
At the meeting, the council also approved the appointment of city deputy recorder Shalena Black as the new city recorder effective December 19.
The position became open after long-time city recorder Cindi Holyoak decided to run for San Juan County Recorder. Holyoak is running unopposed in the November election.
Black is one of four people interviewed for the position. The interview committee was made up of Holyoak, Bolt, Mayor Tim Young, and council members Kim Henderson and Nathan Chamberlain.
The council approved the appointment, with council members Skinner and Rice abstaining from the vote.
Additionally, Melissa Gill was hired to fill the open office assistant position.
The council also discussed the $116,000 of CARES funds that the city must spend or lose by the end of December.
Possible ideas for spending the money included through business relief grants administered by the county to businesses in the city.
Other ideas included utility credits given to households who lost work due to the pandemic and upgrading city-owned facilities.
The council did not approve any use for the funds. Bolt says the city is being careful to ensure that they only spend the funds on approved expenses.
The council also approved a set of goals for Bolt for 2020 and 2021. Priorities include water security, sewer/road infrastructure, economic development, accountability, and human resources.