Flooding or Mudding?
Those in the northern part of our state and even to our west, worry that the wonderful moisture, especially snow, received this winter will melt too fast and lead to flooding. A valid fear. We can only hope for their sakes, that Spring melting will be slow and not cause flooding.
Meanwhile, back in Southeast Utah we have experienced a more marvelous than usual mud season. Earlier we did have some deeper snow and folks were often stuck in it or if more prudent, just stuck at home feeling the better tactic was to just stay put until plows came and freed them.
Now the same can be said about our mudding. I’ve heard of several people who were stuck at home for a few days as they were “mudded” in and unable to leave the homestead. We have years like that now and then. Actually, not often enough.
Right now as I write, I could predict the weather for the next few days without looking at official reports. Want to know how? Well, our magnificent mud is now just about dried, which means that it is time for more moisture to revive it. That’s the usual pattern. Welcome to Spring which officially occurred a couple of days ago. Even saw the first robin last week. I’m not putting on my shorts and flip flops just yet though. They’d get lost in the mud.
Is it Pi night or pie night? Well last week it was both. A goodly La Sal crowd came out for the now annual Pi/pie festivities on March 14. You were in luck if you brought along your sweet tooth. There were a few main dish pies but most of the selections were of the dessert kind. No one even batted an eye when you sat down to sample several of the sweet selections. There were both store bought and homemade pies. Grandma would be proud of some of the selections.
Sporting an official Pi shirt that evening was one of the Mr. Es, new proprietors of Es’ La Sal Store. That would be Everett, the face behind the counter. Of course, the truth has come out, he was a math professor in a former life.
Stop by “the Store” and check out the new arrangements and wares for sale. There is something new every few days, which makes it interesting. For locals, the store is open for a few hours on Sunday, which is convenient for many.
Our local Spring break is now over and the kiddos are back hitting the books. We can look forward to a springlike day now and then for the next few weeks until real spring gets here. Hope that is not put off until June. Most folks are ready now for warmer, more pleasant days. Sorry skiers and snowmobilers.