Money, Money, Money, Must Be Funny, in a Rich Man’s World
I guess that means it’s not so funny in a poor man’s world, which is where most of us find ourselves. It is not just people who need money but organizations also need funds. In our village, that usually means a fund raiser. Such was the case last week.
First, on Thursday night, when the Teen Club usually meets, they hosted a community potluck dinner and dessert auction. They were successful in their efforts and raised enough money to support their activities for a couple of more months. This kind of fund raiser sounds like a great idea as folks get to take home a sweet treat for their donation.
Another very active group in our community are those spunky senior citizens who actually meet twice a week - Wednesday and Friday – for lunch and socializing. For a lot of folks this is the high spot in their week.
They too held a fund raiser this week. Last Saturday was a rummage sale at the Community Center. It was well attended. Seems folks are in the mood for donating or maybe just being out and about socially. Whatever, this too was a successful venture.
There is a promise of another such event in August, so stay tuned. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure so they say. Might be a good time to gather some useful unused items to donate to the cause.
On the purely social scene, it is time for the annual community Pioneer Day Cookout on The Mountain. This has been a main event for several decades.
The venue is the usual place – the snowmobile parking lot on the Dark Canyon Road. Most locals know where that is.
As I always say, if you get to the corrals, you’ve gone too far. However, I’ve heard a few folks saying the meeting place is the corrals. Not so, it’s the parking lot.
Recent reports said the snowmobile parking lot was jam packed last weekend. In the past it has not been a problem meeting there and not interfering with other folk’s celebrations.
Perhaps last week was a big family reunion or other such get together. If not, we may well be meeting for dinner in the corrals!
As is the case every year, the meat and Dutch Oven potatoes will be furnished. Everyone should bring a potluck side dish to share. Tables and chairs will also be on site but most everyone likes to bring a more comfortable camp chair as there is a lot sitting around jawing while watching the meat and tater guys do their magic.
Also that evening, as it has been in the past, community awards will be given. There is usually a Citizen of the Year award. There are a few other creative awards each year as well. We sure have some fine folks in our community and this is a great way to give them a little recognition.
As far as Citizen of the Year, I can think of many worthy folks. One thing always hoped for on this annual night is to be rained out! We would not complain in a change of venue for that reason. Bring friends and neighbors. Come prepared to make new friends and go home stuffed to the gills.
Come on out and join the fun at La Sal’s social event of the year. Besides, who wants to pass up any excuse for a sojourn to The Mountain and EAT.