Sierra La Sal and the COVID Effect 

Our village hasn’t gone untouched by the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this summer a young man who works in Moab and meets and greets a diversity of folks had a positive COVID test.

He quarantined and headed back to work. His family, a wife, and two young sons also made it through without any adverse effects. 

Just six weeks ago, another family – this time a mom who also works in Moab, a dad who has serious medical conditions, and two older teenaged boys all came down with the virus.

The youngest son, a student at Monticello Elementary never displayed any signs of the virus.

They stuck it at home, sharing their suffering. It was also shared with the rest of us via social media.

Though the illness was unpleasant, it did not develop into anything major requiring hospitalization.

Sorry to say, they were shunned by the townsfolk for a couple of weeks. They are doing fine now, back to work and school. I can tell you there were many prayers sent upward in their behalf. 

Two weeks ago heart-stopping rumors circulated La Sal that two of our oldest (in terms of both age and residency) and well-beloved citizens had COVID. They are both in their mid-eighties and the male has serious medical problems.

In speaking with them, medical professionals think she’s had the virus since pre-pandemic days. It seems to keep coming and going with no more ill effects than flu-like symptoms.

You can be sure that a large collective sigh of relief went up from their friends and family.  

So, the news so far is good. That doesn’t keep many of us from masking up and laying low. It’s like an evil beast just lurking to catch one unaware. 

La Sal is losing a couple of its oldest and dearest citizens. Erla Lovato, who has lived in La Sal most of her life, is uprooting and moving to Moab. If you recall, she lost her sweetheart and life’s companion early last spring.

Many can testify that it’s hard for a single women to live in La Sal even with family next door. Erla and her daughter Tammi will be missed in our village.

Folks came together last weekend to help her move. Had they known, more would have come to help. We’d have been stepping all over each other. 

Here’s a piece of Christmas carol trivia: What popular seasonal song begins this way: “Christmas makes you feel emotional. It may bring parties or thoughts devotional. Whatever happens or what may be, here is what Christmas time means to me...”?

This part of the song is not often sung. In fact, a Google search for lyrics didn’t include this portion of the song. 

Christmas is a religious holiday, though it’s hard to tell with all the commercialism. Our family celebrates it in both ways. “But, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

We try to make the holiday about Jesus more than anything. But we do include aspects of the jolly fat guy in our seasonal festivities. 

We know that Christmas 2020 will be different than usual. If we are smart, we’ll continue to mask up and lay low. Even family gatherings are discouraged.

It’s the parties and socializing I will miss the most. I guess even giving edible gifts is not the best idea this year. 

I belong to the Monticello Camp of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. One of the highlights of my holiday celebration is our Christmas party. We meet once a month on the second Monday.

Last month, the meeting was cancelled at the last minute. It was scheduled the day after the Governor’s strong suggestion to not gather.

We did not, but I’m sure hoping we get to hold our Christmas party. Yes, the holiday season of 2020 is very different than normal. But, this too shall pass.

We could sure use some snow. It would help our drought situation and look real pretty with “Silver Bells.”

San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

Phone: 435.587.2277
Fax: 435.587.3377
Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday