Ntl Guard helps with Blanding pickup
by Roma Young
A citywide cleanup day in Blanding on Saturday, September 19 was a huge success according to a report at the Blanding City Council. For the first time since 2009, residents and city employees had the help of the National Guard in hauling away the trash.
Items left at the curb for disposal were picked up by the National Guard and hauled to the solid waste site below White Mesa, saving all of that refuse from passing through the transfer station near the airport south of Blanding. Seventeen dump trucks full of garbage, equaling 51,000 pounds, were removed on the cleanup day.
There were also seven loads hauled away by residents that were just regular pickup or trailer loads. City crews also noticed that residents were so excited about the effort that additional items were left curbside after the cleanup day. City crews hauled them away on Monday and Tuesday.
Metal items that needed to be hauled away were taken to another site for recycling. They are not included in the numbers reported. City officials said that they appreciated, very much, the support of the National Guard and felt it really made a difference.
Blanding residents need to watch for an income survey to arrive in the mail shortly. Officials report that the survey is very important to the city, as the data is used to receive funding for needed projects. The city hopes all will feel inclined to do their part and complete the survey.
The city council unanimously approved a resolution renewing the Blanding Justice Court recertification for the next four years. The contract was due to expire on February 6, 2016, but will now run through February 6, 2020.
There were reports from the water and power departments and a financial report for the city, along with a report about a Utah League of Cities and Towns (ULCT) conference which was attended by three city officials.