Albert Eugene (Pete) Steele

May 26, 1937 ~ November 18, 2014
Albert Eugene (Pete) Steele, a longtime member of the community, passed away at his home November 18, 2014 surrounded by family after a long battle with pulmonary fibrosis.
He is survived by his wife Jackie of Monticello; daughter Robin Steele Lasher of Montrose, CO; daughter Stacey Steele Jenkins and son-in-law Scott Jenkins of Monticello; and daughter Kristina Steele Garchar and son-in-law John Garchar of Cahone, CO; as well as grandson Albert Reed Steele of Monticello and granddaughters Courtney Glen Lehman, Bailey Ann Starritt, Cheyenne Lacy Jenkins, and Emily June Garchar; and many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.
Born to Percy and Lacy Steele on May 26, 1937 in Moab, UT, Pete grew up loving the outdoors. He was an avid hunter, one of the first government trappers in Utah, and a knowledgeable tour guide.
One of his jobs growing up was punching cows for the SS Cattle Company rooted deep in San Juan County’s history. His tales of the Old West and the history of San Juan County were a treasure to anyone lucky enough to hear them.
During his life, Pete wore many “hats”. He taught himself to fly a fixed wing airplane. He was also a cowboy, bronc rider and a volunteer rodeo clown.
For many years, he supported his family through mining, trapping and guiding tours throughout the Southwest.
Being the first permit holder for horseback tours in Canyonlands National Park, Pete knew San Juan County and surrounding areas as well as anyone. Through his knowledge of the area, he was able to touch people from all over the world in all walks of life.
He was a member of the Monticello City Council and Victims of Mill Tailings Exposure. Later in life, Pete accepted a job with the Bureau of Land Management where he worked as one of the first law enforcement officers for the BLM in Utah until he retired in 1996.
Since then he enjoyed making firearms and carvings, panning for gold, flint knapping and trapping.
Diagnosed with Multiple Myloma in 2003, Pete fought long and hard to enjoy life to the fullest. Many of his doctors teased him about having “nine lives” because of his persistence to live.
Most of all, Pete will be remembered for being a loving husband and father. Family was most important to him, and he wanted us to know we were all loved very much.
San Juan County has lost a truly remarkable man who will be missed by many for a very long time.
Card of thanks
The family of Pete Steele would like to express their deepest appreciation for the love and sympathy they received during a very difficult time.
The thoughts and prayers, hugs, condolences, cards, flowers, plants, money, food, and help with the wake all helped ease the heartache.
Words cannot tell you how grateful we are!  
The Steele Family

San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

Phone: 435.587.2277
Fax: 435.587.3377
Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday