Republican Primary Election set for June 30
Entering the final week before the 2020 Republican Primary Election on Tuesday, June 30, San Juan County Clerk John David Nielson reports, “Everything is moving along like normal.”
Nielson said his office has received 1,200 returned ballots of the approximately 2,900 that were mailed to every registered Republican in the county.
The June 30 primary will determine the Republican candidates for County Commissioner, Assessor, and Recorder and Utah Governor and Attorney General for the November General Election.
Candidates for County Commission District 1 include Bruce Adams and Cheryl Bowers. County Assessor candidates are Logan Boyd and Rick Meyer. David Carpenter and Cindi Holyoak are running for County Recorder.
In statewide races, candidates for Governor include Spencer Cox, Jon Huntsman Jr., Greg Hughes, and Thomas Wright. David Leavitt and Sean Reyes are running for Attorney General.
Profiles of all the candidates have appeared in recent issues of the San Juan Record and can also be found at
Though the state legislature declared the Republican Primary mail-in-only across the state due to COVID-19 restrictions, San Juan County is exempt from that change due to a voting rights lawsuit settlement. As agreed in the settlement, the county has provided early voting in several locations.
In addition to mailed ballots, polling locations are located in Montezuma Creek, Monument Valley, Navajo Mountain, and at the San Juan County Building in Monticello. The polling locations will be open across the county on election day.
According to Nielson, the current 40 percent response rate for mailed ballots is directly in the center of his expectation. “With the primary elections, anywhere between 35 and 45 percent is the norm as far as turnout goes,” stated Nielson.
COVID-19 safety precautions are in place at San Juan County polling locations to ensure voter health and safety. For further information about the June 30 election, call the San Juan County Clerk at 435-587-3223, visit, or see image above.