Spanish Valley may be the largest city in the county within ten years
Within ten years, Spanish Valley may become the largest community in San Juan County, according to a Spanish Valley Area Plan that was recently approved by the San Juan County Commission.
The plan is set to guide future development in the San Juan County portion of Spanish Valley. The area is just south of the Grand County line, adjacent to the booming Moab area.
The plan projects that as many as 3,500 households could call Spanish Valley home within the next ten years, with a population of 8,770 residents.
The current population of the San Juan County portion of Spanish Valley is estimated to be 500.
If the growth occurs, the population in San Juan County would grow by more than 57 percent over the ten year period in Spanish Valley alone.
The document was prepared by the Landmark Design Team under the direction of an advisory committee and the San Juan County Planning Commission.
The plan was developed through a series of public hearings, interviews with area residents, and consultation with other entities.
The County Commission approved the plan with a unanimous vote on April 17.
The plan will guide future development in the San Juan County portion of Spanish Valley.
The area has seen some growth in recent years, but the report state that a “lack of a culinary water and sewer system, minimalistic zoning and development control, and the lack of planning and development review has constrained growth.”
However, the report adds, “The Spanish Valley area is receiving increased growth pressure. Planning and the establishment of better infrastructure for the area is now a top priority for the county.”
Two infrastructure development projects are currently under design, including a stand-alone water system and a combined sewer system with Grand Water and Sewer and Moab City.
The northern portions of the valley are privately owned, while major sections in the southern portion of the valley are controlled by the State (SITLA) and federal government (BLM).
Key uses envisioned for the valley include large residential areas, community and neighborhood centers, parks, recreation areas, open spaces, and trails.
The guidelines to the growth and development of the area are outlined in the chart.
While the plan predicts significant growth in the area, it adds that “the exact timeframe for implementation is unclear. It is anticipated that full realization of the plan will take several decades.”