Depleted San Juan wrestling squad travels to Vernal to compete in Tournament of Champions

by Art Adair
Contributing Writer
The San Juan High School boys wrestled in the Tournament of Champions in Vernal and took on the Altamont Longhorns in a dual.
Trai Bass, Chad Yellow, Cameron Adair and JD Palmer all won. Dropping their matches were Gaige Palmer, Jack Kartchner, Miken Keith, Hunter Keith, Rigley LaGiglia, and Taren Bayles.
The final varsity score put Altamont on top of the Bronco grapplers 48-35.
The 53rd annual Tournament of Champions in Vernal drew 33 teams from Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado.
Ten Broncos wrestled in the varsity tournament, including Liam Lacy at 106 pounds, Chad Yellow at 120 pounds, Miken Keith at 138 pounds, Hunter Keith at 144 pounds, Cameron Adair at 150 pounds, Rigley LaGiglia at 157 pounds, Taren Bayles at 165 pounds, JD Palmer at 175 pounds, Thomas Harden at 190 pounds, and Trai Bass at 215 pounds.
JD Palmer was the only varsity wrestler to place in the tournament, going 4-1 to earn third place. Palmer earned three wins by fall and one by technical fall on the weekend. His only loss came in the championship semifinals by a 4-2 decision.
Wrestling in the JV tournament for San Juan were Jack Kartchner, Ryus Blackhorse, Jayce Raisor, Pierce Holliday, El’Myron Begay, Tyus Spotted Elk, Gaige Palmer, Gavin Butler, and Cian Mark.
Jayce Raisor placed fifth in the JV tournament. After losing his first match, Raisor rattled off four straight wins and was victorious again in the fifth-place matchup.
Wrestlers from both tournaments who were beaten out on the first day dropped into a combined second-chance tournament on day two.
Ryus Blackhorse won five matches on the weekend and El’Myron Begay won four.
Winning three matches are Miken Keith, and Rigley LaGiglia.
Broncos with two wins are Liam Lacy, Jack Kartchner, and Gaige Palmer.
Also winning matches were Hunter Keith, Cameron Adair, Taren Bayles, Chad Yellow, Thomas Harden, Trai Bass, Ryus Blackhorse, Pierce Holliday, Tyrus SpottedElk, and Cian Mark.
San Juan Head Coach Shane Musselman commented, “I think San Juan wrestled in the toughest tournament they have attended in many years.
“Every wrestler improved and gave everything they could give. Some won a bunch of matches, some won a couple, and some didn’t win any, but they toed the line and went to work.
“I’m proud of this group of boys. It has been a tough year with many season-ending injuries, injuries with long recovery times, skin issues, and illness, but the kids keep working and getting better.”
Next up for the Broncos is a home dual with Grand, Whitehorse, and Monument Valley on January 15. The Broncos will honor their senior wrestlers at the dual. Matches begin at 6 p.m.
On Friday, January 17 the team heads to Salina for the North Sevier Tournament.

San Juan Record

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