Summer and San Juan County Fair culminates with full week of events
The 2007 San Juan County Fair culminates this week with a full schedule of activities. “We’re really revin’ in 2007” is the theme of the fair.
More than 50 volunteers, led by fair manager Anna Thayn, have worked for months planning the annual fair. The fair volunteer of the year is Cheyenne Adams, who has been involved with the fair for more than ten years.
Although the opening ceremonies for the fair is scheduled to take place t his evening (Wednesday, August 8), a number of fair events have already taken place, including a Rough Riders desert race, horse show and rodeo on August 4.
Most events take place at the San Juan County Fairgrounds on Highway 191 in Monticello.
The annual Farm Bureau talent find and MHS wrestler Navajo Taco dinner took place on August 7.
Highlights on Wednesday, August 8 include the opening ceremonies and recognition of fair volunteers at 7 p.m., the Little Mr and Miss Wrangler contest at 7:30, and movies at 8:45 and 10:15.
Highlights on Thursday, August 9 include livestock shows, a children’s fair and fair exhibits throughout the day, leading up to country music star Mark Wills live in concert beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Highlights on Friday, August 10 include livestock shows, a children’s fair and fair exhibits throughout the day, free swimming in the afternoon and the Blue Mountain Roundup Rodeo beginning at 8 p.m.
The fair culminates with a busy day on Saturday, August 11, beginning with a free breakfast by the Monticello Lions Club at the pavilion behind the Monticello Post Office. Donations for the breakfast will be forwarded to the families of the late Cookie Shiew and Letha St. Clair.
The Jr. Livestock Show begins at 1 p.m. and the Blue Mountain roundup Rodeo closes the San Juan County Fair with an 8 p.m. start time.
For a complete listing of events, see the advertisement on page 20 or visit the San Juan Record website at
The Rodeo Queens include Queen Emily Hanson, attendants Brittany Rowley and Nichole Freestone and Jr. Queen Kylee Fullmer.