Tied to the Post

It’s impossible for a muffinaholic to refuse a tasty muffin, and quite possible that the Muffin King may be buried with some.  Courtesy photo
Of all the things one can be addicted to, I suppose my obsession is relatively benign. Yes, I am aware that’s what all addicts say, but in my case it’s true. So, let’s just name it; I am a muffinaholic.  If there was a Muffinaholics Anonymous, I would be at every meeting. I can just see myself, “Hi...
As is often the case on these hot July days, we were hunkered down, sheltering behind the Kokopelli doors. Outside the temperature was 104° and rising. It was hot! Inside, however, the store was cool, calm and tranquil. Despite our comfortable circumstances, a dark cloud hung over us and our mood...
Winter, spring, summer or fall, when Jana and I leave Bluff for a daytrip we typically go to Durango, CO. That is often, but not exclusively, because we can find good chow for Pearl and Opal, collectively known as The Gems, at Creature Comforts Pet Shop on the south side of town. Although The Gems...
Children strike poses atop the welcome sign to Bluff. Courtesy photo
In Bluff, like most small communities, volunteerism is a way of life. In this town of approximately 250 souls, day-to-day functions like culinary water, fire protection, and government services demand the commitment of a few stalwart individuals.  Having spent most of my life here, I have found...
A spectactular sunset over the Twin Rocks boldly proclaims the color red. In the Navajo tradition, red is the powerful and symbolic color of “The People.” Courtesy photo
Sunrises and sunsets over this high desert country are fabulous at this time of year. They often look as if someone took a match and fired up an entire bank of burners. Ripples of red, orange and yellow dispersed across the heavens warm the bones and afford great satisfaction. The deep red tones...
Chief Posey, Ute leader during the Last Indian War. Photo courtesy Utah State Historical Society, Mike Hurst donor
As a young man growing up in the small southeastern Utah town of Blanding, I often heard the story of Paiute warrior William Posey, and how he sparked the last Indian war in the United States. At the time, we lived on the south end of town, just two blocks from the home of Clarence Rogers, an old-...
The other day I was sitting in my office closing the books for March when I overheard a conversation between Rick Bell and one of our customers. The visitor was probing Rick about certain aspects of Bluff and wanted to get the facts. In addition to his photographic talents, Rick is a historian by...
“How long you gonna wear those?” Jana asked when she noticed I had recently begun wearing three strands of cedar-berry beads around my neck. “I’m not sure,” I responded, knowing full well the look on her face was one of uneasiness, possibly fear. It was obvious she was concerned this seemingly...
The other day I telephoned John Huling to catch up on a few things. John and his wife, Joni, live in Vermont, so we don’t get to see each other much. I first met John maybe 25 years ago, when he and Joni were traveling through the Southwest and happened into the trading post. As I often do with our...
Recently I have been thinking a lot about the trading post and its place in the larger scheme of things. At times, I feel it is simply a brokerage, nothing more than a buyer and seller of local arts and crafts. On other occasions, however, I believe it may be helping the local craftspeople improve...


San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

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Fax: 435.587.3377
Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday