Water levels continue to increase in reservoirs
The water level in Recapture Reservoir has raised by 15 feet since the runoff began in early spring. For the first time in several years, the water level is above the conservation pool.
The water level in Recapture is 6,029 feet above sea level, which is eight feet above the conservation pool.
According to Ferd Johnson, of the San Juan Water Conservancy District, the City of Blanding owns the first 1,000 acre feet of water above the conservation pool, with irrigators owning water rights at that point. As a result, there may not be much irrigation in the Blanding area this summer.
Johnson said the runoff into Recapture was winding down. However, the Blanding Irrigation Company turned water from Indian Creek into the tunnel in the past week.
“It is great,” said Johnson, referring to the water from the tunnel. “We are really going to put some water into Recapture.”
The newly expanded Dry Wash Reservoir is also filling, with the water level well above the conservation pool.
The Division of Wildlife Resources recently planted 1,500 fish into Dry Wash Reservoir, which is a popular fishery used by Boy Scouts and local residents.
“They will be awfully skinny fish,” said Johnson. “There isn’t much for them to eat yet.”
Blanding City Manager Jeremy Redd reports that all of the city reservoirs are full. Excess water is being diverted to Recapture Reservoir.
“We are in good shape, but water conservation is always a necessity,” said Redd. “We are not in a crunch, but the more we conserve, the better.”
In Monticello, the current level of the water in Loyds Lake is 20 feet higher than it was one year ago. The reservoir level is 50 percent of capacity.
The secondary water system was charged in the past week. Officials report that there were a few leaks in the system, but they are being discovered and repaired.
Monticello City Public Works Director Nathan Langston reports that in 2015, secondary water use was just 72 percent of its historic average.
“Having meters on the secondary water system will be good this year,” said Langston. “We are definitely doing better with water, but it doesn’t mean we are out of the woods.
“The secondary metering system will help make sure residents don’t fall into bad habits.”
Monticello City officials are concerned about recent statewide media reports that erroneously reported that there may be a lead problem in the water in Monticello. They state that the water in Monticello is exceptionally clean and has no lead problems.
The media confused a water report at an unused faucet at La Sal Elementary, stating that the school is in Monticello. See the April 20 San Juan Record.
The water level in Lake Powell is about the same level as it was in April, 2015. The spring runoff has not yet made it to Lake Powell, but the snowpack that drains into the reservoir is 92 percent of normal levels. As a result, it is anticipated that the level of Lake Powell will begin to rise.