
The annual 45-day Utah State Legislative session is underway with lawmakers busy making and changing bills for the state. San Juan County is represented in the state legislature by Republican Representative Phil Lyman of District 73 and Republican Senator David Hinkins of District 27....
COVID-19 and its impact dominated the news in San Juan County, with half of the Top Ten stories in 2020 connected to the virus. For our year-end review, the San Juan Record looks at our top stories of the year determined by views each story received on the San Juan Record website at
Congresswoman Deb Haaland will be nominated as the new Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior. The Biden-Harris transition team announced the nomination on December 17. If appointed, the Congresswoman from New Mexico will be the first Native American to serve in a cabinet level position...
In August, San Juan County Attorney Kendall Laws brought attention to the community about a concerning increase of sexual violence cases among teens in the county. In the year before August 2020, the County Attorney’s Office has or is currently prosecuting 47 crimes of sexual violence, with 38 of...
Candidate for Congress Thank you for the opportunity to serve you in Congress. I work to be effective in Congress, accessible To constituents, and I always strive to represent Utah values to Washington DC, and not the other way around.  EFFECTIVE. In less than three years, my team has already...
Candidate for Congress Devin Thorpe was born in Provo to descendants of Utah pioneers and has lived in Utah for 45 of his 55 years. After completing a degree in finance at the University of Utah, he earned an MBA from Cornell University. Devin believes strongly that we need bold solutions to the...
by Bill Boyle San Juan Record Editor (Editor’s note: This story is about a young woman – a victim of sexual assault – who suffered from “slut-shaming” while she waited for the juvenile justice system to adjudicate her case. The San Juan Record has a policy of never naming names in juvenile cases...
A quarter of a million dollars has been made available to small businesses in San Juan County through the federal government CARES act. The $250,000 will be dispersed to small businesses that have suffered losses due to COVID-19. The grant is being made available to registered businesses with less...
Image of a pick-up truck with decals reading San Juan County sheriff department. Truck sits in front of the public safety building in Monticello, Utah
San Juan County Commission signed a resolution stating their support of county law enforcement at the August 4 meeting held remotely. The resolution publicly salutes the Sheriff’s department and was passed unanimously. Commission Chair Kenneth Maryboy shared his thoughts on the resolution. “I think...
Positive coronavirus tests for 25 residents and staff at the Four Corners Regional Care Center in Blanding. Courtesy photo
The coronavirus pandemic has once again hit close to home in San Juan County with an outbreak among the highly vulnerable residents of the Four Corners Regional Care Center in Blanding. As of July 8, a total of 21 residents and four staff members have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. The...


San Juan Record

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Monticello, UT 84535

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