
Kate Goble was named Citizen of the Year by the City of Monticello. The award was presented on December 13 at the annual holiday music concert at Monticello High School. Goble was named for serving the community as president of the Monticello Elementary School PTA and as chairman of the Monticello...
By David Boyle News Director The Monticello City Council made plans for a new garbage truck, appointed new members a city committee and celebrated the city Christmas festivities at their latest meeting. Members of the council discussed their capital asset/general maintenance list at the December 13...
New Monticello City Manager Kaeden Kulow and his family.  Courtesy photo
by David Boyle News Director At their latest meeting members of the Monticello City Council talked future planning with their new city manager, and approved purchases of equipment for the Hideout golf course. At the November 29 meeting it was announced that acting city manager Kaeden Kulow had been...
by David Boyle News Director The Monticello City Council heard a season-end report from the Hideout Golf Club and approved a new fence at Pioneer Park after a generous donation offer at their latest meeting At the November 8 meeting, the Council heard from Golf Superintendent Caleb Bailey as well...
by David Boyle News Director Members of the Monticello City Council heard a request for help with a new fence and an end-of-year water report. They also discussed possible rezoning along 100 West at their latest meeting. During their October 25 meeting members of the Monticello City Council heard...
by David Boyle News Director The City of Monticello is searching for a new city manager following the resignation of Evan Bolt. After spending 50 minutes in closed session at their October 11 meeting members of the Monticello City Council returned to open meeting to motion to advertise for the...
by David Boyle News Director Members of the Monticello City Council approved negotiations for a Fixed Base Operator (FBO) at the city airport, appointed a new seat to the committee and discussed a variety of other items at their latest meeting. At the September 27 meeting of the Monticello City...
by David Boyle News Director Members of the Monticello City council approved a parking ordinance, approved an agreement with the school district, and discussed the golf course at their latest meeting. During the public comment portion of the September 13 meeting members of the city council heard...
by David Boyle News Director Monticello City Council discussed updates to zoning, a joint use agreement for some facilities with the school district and heard a report on a new main street camera system by the sheriff’s office at their latest meeting. At the August 23 meeting of the Monticello City...
by David Boyle News Director The Monticello City Council received an update on their water project and continued work to update their zoning, nuisance, parking and traffic ordinances at their August 9 meeting. Members of the Monticello City Council heard a report from Jones & DeMille...


San Juan Record

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Monticello, UT 84535

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