
by Bill Boyle San Juan Record Editor The Monticello City Council will consider a request from Dale Brown Trucking to purchase city water for use outside city limits. Details were discussed at the August 8 meeting of the city council. Dale Brown Trucking is currently constructing a freight/...
The annual Pioneer Day Celebration in Monticello is this weekend July 21-22. The weekend theme is ‘Prepare the Way’, and tons of organizations are preparing for a great weeked in Monticello. Pioneer Days kick off Friday afternoon with the dollar swim at the city swimming pool from 1 to 5 p.m. Free...
by David Boyle News Director Monticello City Council members discussed USU banners on Main Street, the annual ATV safari and received an update on the school crossing zone at their latest meeting. At the July 11 meeting, members of the Monticello City Council also approved a request from Utah State...
The new building includes a spacious warehouse for Emery Telcom to continue their expansion of fiber infastructure in San Juan County. Staff photo
by David Boyle News Director Emery Telcom officially opened the doors to their new Monticello building at a ribbon cutting ceremony on July 14. The ceremony marked the opening of their new office warehouse in Monticello where the company has been hard at work on a plan to bring fiber-to-the-home of...
Pioneer Day Grand Marshal Martha Johnson. Courtesy photo
Martha Johnson is the grand marshal for the 2023 Pioneer Day Parade. Martha has lived in Monticello for over 30 years and is friends with just about everyone in town. Reflecting on the news of her appointment to be grand marshal, Martha shared that Monticello is a community of wonderful people. “My...
by David Boyle News Director Members of the Monticello City Council approved their annual budget and adopted final tax rates as part of their latest meeting. Council members also approved banners on city highways with stipulations and talked about speed enforcement in the city. At the June 27...
A bronze statue of an eagle donated by Parks & Beautification has been placed at Veterans Park. Staff photo
Monticello citizens gathered on June 14 for a Flag Day ceremony at Veterans Memorial Park. The evening featured a presentation of a new sculpture in the park and proper flag disposal provided by the Utah Army National Guard. The evening began with a presentation of the new sculpture near the corner...
by David Boyle News Director Sixteen political candidates have declared for eight city council seats in Blanding, Bluff, and Monticello. The filing period for all three municipalities was open to eligible residents from June 1 to 7. Candidates for the three seats in Monticello and Blanding and the...
by David Boyle News Director Members of the Monticello city council heard a proposal to pipe water to Monticello College, approved an update to public noticing, and received an update from the Hideout golf pro at their latest meeting. At the May 23 meeting members of the Monticello city council...
Abbigail Christensen
Monticello High Class of 2023 Graduation is scheduled for Wednesday, May 24 at 7:00 pm


San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

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Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday