
The City of Blanding is considering a change that may significantly alter the way that water rates are determined. At the March 26 meeting of the Blanding City Council, Economic Development Director Pratt Redd led a discussion about water rates in Blanding with the question, “How do we brace the...
by Rhett Sifford Staff writer It has been 19 months since SSG Aaron Butler was killed while battling Islamic State fighters in Afghanistan.  This summer, former teammates will honor the Monticello Special Forces soldier with a trail run bearing his name in Eagle, ID. The Inaugural SSG Aaron Butler...
One woman was seriously injured, and her unborn child killed, in a two-car crash at the intersection of Highway 191 and the Needles Overlook road at milepost 93 on March 21. A 2013 Hundai Sonata driven by Lydia Compton, age 28 of Rockland Ranch, was hit by an oncoming FedEx truck when she pulled...
A multi-year planning process to develop ordinances in Spanish Valley has been put on hold – at least for the short term – after a series of public hearings at the San Juan County Commission meeting on March 19. Several residents of Pack Creek, a small enclave of approximately 40 properties...
Representative John Curtis (R-UT) will head two townhall meetings in San Juan County this week as part of a swing through the southern portion of the third Congressional District. The meetings in San Juan County will be held in Bluff and Mexican Water. They will be the first such meetings in memory...
One woman was killed and three others were injured in a two-car crash on March 14 on Highway 191 at the top of Peter’s Hill, north of Monticello. After all four occupants were transported to San Juan Hospital in Monticello, Christine A Sours, age 69 of Grand Junction, CO, was flown to St. Mary’s...
The San Juan Record and San Juan Chamber of Commerce need your help as they gear up to publish the 2019 version of 101 Ways to Experience San Juan County. The annual visitors guide lists scores of great ways to enjoy the spectacular beauty of San Juan County throughout the summer. The guide is...
Searchers are still hopeful that they will find Anndine Jones, age four of Aneth. Jones wandered away from her home on Thursday, March 14, setting off four days of intensive searching in the area. The home is near McElmo Creek, which is running high after recent storms. The search centered on the...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake on Monday, March 4 shook San Juan County and shook up a number of residents. The earthquake was recorded at 10:22 a.m. on Monday. The epicenter of the quake is two miles south of Bedrock, CO, near the US Bureau of Reclamation’s Paradox Valley Salinity Control Facility....
Blanding resident Betty Lou Workman, the mother of fallen Navy Seal Jason Workman, attended the recent State of the Union address on February 5 in the United States Capitol. Workman, one of two Gold Star family members from Utah, was invited to attend the State of the Union address as the guest of...


San Juan Record

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Monticello, UT 84535

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