Photo of the week February 1 2023
Snowmobilers enjoys the seven feet of snow on Cooley Pass in the Abajo Mountains. Todd Westcott photo
Snowmobilers enjoys the seven feet of snow on Cooley Pass in the Abajo Mountains. Todd Westcott photo
By David Boyle
News Director
Martha Saggboy was elected to be the new president of the Mexican Water Chapter at a special meeting on January 29.
by David Boyle
News Director
by Joe Boyle
Staff writer
by Janet Keeler Wilcox
Contributing writer
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.” Albert Einstein
Day 1 – It started to snow. Hurray! I can’t remember being more excited. All the fasting and praying is finally starting to pay off.
by Rhett Sifford
Sports Editor
by Anna Fredericks
Contributing Writer
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