Life in San Juan

 “My grandpa needs me to help him mow the lawn.” Courtesy photo
by Sally Jack Contributing Writer On Father’s Day it’s fun to think about our dads and why we love them, but it’s even more fun to take a look at dads (and grand-dads) from the perspective of their biggest fans—their kids. Here are some favorites, collected from children of all ages: “Dad’s...
Friday night at the Fort has been an entertaining highlight of San Juan County for several years. Boasting local as well as imported talent, this year’s talent lineup is certain to impress. As always, admission is free, as are refreshments following the performance. (Usually ice cream). This year’s...
As part of Crossroads, a statewide exploration of life and change in rural Utah presented by Utah Humanities and its partners, the M.T. Hurst Foundation and Utah State University Blanding will co-host three Scan & Share events with the Utah Historical Society at local community centers in San...
local girl Avery Shanahan sits atop a horse. The 13-year-old  faces heart surgery this summer. Courtesy photo
by Sally Jack Contributing Writer Facing open heart surgery is a worry at any time, but when you are only 13 years old, it can be downright scary, especially when you are worried about how your mom is going to pay for it all. And for Avery Shanahan of Monticello, that is what she will face during...
The annual Blanding Cemetery Memorial Day Sunrise Service is Monday at 7 a.m. The Rotary Club will provide breakfast. Please bring your own chairs.  Julie Castellon will be the speaker. She is a high school science teacher whose son Brigham is in the National Guard. The National Guard will have a...
2024 Visitor Guide is in visitor centers, local businesses, on newstands and in this issue of the San Juan Record.
The San Juan Record is pleased to release the new 101 Ways to Experience San Juan County Visitors Guide. The packed 64-page magazine is included in this issue of the newspaper and is distributed by the tens of thousands throughout the area at visitor centers and businesses. The book is full of...
Dr Dylan and Tara Knight with their children in front of Elk Ridge Wellness in Monticello. The center will open on May 13.  Courtesy photo
by Sally Jack Contributing writer The old Trailside / Roam building on 265 North Main in Monticello has taken on a new life as the location for Elk Ridge Wellness. Monticello native Tara Frost Knight and her husband Dylan Knight will open the doors for their chiropractic and wellness clinic on...
Celebrating the remarkable selfless job of being a Mother. Courtesy photo Alex Pasarelu
by Sally Jack Contributing writer Mother’s Day is a strange holiday. Though it is intended as a day to honor and celebrate mothers, it is the holiday that mothers like least. While most women appreciate the opportunity to love, honor, and revere their own mothers, they positively cringe at the...
Annie Charles is a valued membver of the Grayaon Country Quilters, keeping her 15 sewing machines busy.   Courtesy photo
by Janet Wilcox Contributing writer All artists are visionaries with the ability to see art in multiple ways.  Annie Charles is no exception as she uses her talent to create fabric art for family, friends, senior citizens and military veterans. She is an active member of the Grayson Country...
A new 170-page book, available at the San Juan Record bookstore, focuses on stories at the Dugout Ranch through the eyes of Heidi Redd.  Courtesy photo
by Jill Pearson A Cowgirl’s Conservation Journey: Stories from the Dugout Ranch by Heidi Redd, with Larisa Bowen In San Juan County, there are those who understand cattle ranching and those of us who mingle in other circles. But even the least curious would find this book a very worthwhile read....


San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

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Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday